It has been six weeks since my foob started leaking, and nearly four since the expander was removed. If there’s nothing in there, I have to wonder – what’s left to leak? My plastic surgeon reminded me of Radiation – a real creeper. With chemo, it flat out, in your face sucks. But Radiation? I made jokes! I wrote a blog about it, going so far as to accuse my radiation techs of playing space invaders behind their double cement doors. I couldn’t see it, I couldn’t feel it, and thought I had breezed right through it. But boy, is it ever a pain in my ass right now, having fried whatever is left of my breast so completely that all the cells can manage to do is weep.
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My conference call was just wrapping up on a Thursday afternoon when I broke into a cold sweat – this time, completely unrelated to the project I was working on. I began to feel nauseous, and put my head down on my desk, realizing that the leak in my left foob (my term for a breast expander… the temporary solution after my mastectomy, given I was scheduled for radiation) that had put a damper on our vacation a week earlier, was not improving with antibiotics. Turns out all that radiation that I couldn’t see had done its job; the area had first become swollen, then began leaking through the thinned and damaged epidermis layer. By Wednesday, I could see what looked like corner of the implant sticking out of my skin. And so I found myself in another boob related drama… Breast Expanders Gone Bust…
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